The Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Clinical Research course (IPPCR) is a free lecture series from thought-leaders around the world covering: study designs, measurement and statistics; ethical, legal, monitoring, and regulatory considerations; preparing and implementing clinical studies; and communicating research findings and other topics. This free, self-paced, online course is open for registration until July 1, 2021 (the current course year closes on August 1, 2021). Graduate students, post-doctoral scholars, medical, dental, and pharmacy students, scientists, nurses, and other health professionals are encouraged to enroll now.

The IPPCR course is a lecture series from thought-leaders around the world covering:
- Study Designs, Measurement and Statistics
- Ethical, Legal, Monitoring, and Regulatory Considerations
- Preparing and Implementing Clinical Studies
- Communicating research findings and other topics
To register, please visit the IPPCR website at
If you have any questions, please contact Rebecca Hwang at
The Principles of Clinical Pharmacology course (PCP) is a free online lecture series covering the fundamentals of clinical pharmacology as a translational scientific discipline focused on rational drug development and utilization in therapeutics. Topics covered in the course include pharmacokinetics, drug therapy in special populations, drug discovery and development, and pharmacogenomics.

The course is free, self-paced, and entirely online through the PCP website:
If you have any questions, please contact Rebecca Hwang at
Upon enrollment, course materials are available through August 1, 2021. A certificate of completion is awarded to participants who achieve a passing score on the final exam. The course will be of interest to graduate students, post-doctoral scholars, medical and pharmacy students, scientists, and health professionals interested in expanding their pharmacology knowledge base.
These and other free e-learning resources are included on the NIH website: