We are proud to announce that Center for Bioethics and Research, Nigeria (CBR) has been certified as an official ATLAS.ti training organization in Nigeria. As a certified ATLAS.ti training organization, CBR joins a worldwide network of trainers and consultants who collaborate with ATLAS.ti to train and support qualitative researchers all around the world.
ATLAS.ti is the No. 1 Software for Qualitative and Mixed Methods Data Analysis. With over two decades of experience, ATLAS.ti works on Windows, Linux and Mac computers. Its web-based Cloud version can be used on mobile iPad or Android versions for fieldwork. All ATLAS.ti products are easy to learn, easy to use, and thanks to coordinated design, features sophisticated operating workflows and automated processes.
CBR will advertise regular ATLAS.ti trainings on our website https://bioethicscenter.net. Scholarships will be given to highly meritorious students and lecturers from research institutes, non-government organizations, hospitals and institutions of higher learning (universities, polytechnics, colleges of education, schools of nursing etc.) in Nigeria. Trainees can purchase ATLAS.ti licenses through CBR at 20% discount. CBR will provide virtual support for qualitative researchers, lecturers and students using ATLAS.ti for literature reviews or analysis of qualitative data.
Visit CBR website (https://bioethicscenter.net) regularly for more innovative training programs and resources. Check out our online, blended, MSc and PhD programs, many of which are supported by full scholarships.