New Plagiarism Refresher module on CITI


Announcing New Plagiarism Refresher module as part of Center for Bioethics and Research online course on Responsible Conduct of Research

Center for Bioethics and Research in partnership with Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) is happy to announce a new training module on “Plagiarism”. This new module is designed to complement our topical offerings in the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Basic Course.

Cases of plagiarism continue to be identified in academia and international researchers may not be very aware of its scope and definition. Plagiarism is viewed as unethical appropriation, falsification and publication of another author’s “thoughts, ideas, or expressions” and the representation of them as one’s own original work. This is a serious ethical offence and a breach of ethics in the academia.

It is essential for everyone in academia to be grounded in the tenets of plagiarism and know how to avoid it by following ethical guidelines. This new “Plagiarism” module provides learners with up to date definition of plagiarism, appropriate summarization of material, and strategies for properly citing information sources.

Click here to get started and take advantage of this and other course offerings including Informed Consent, Good Clinical Practice, Essentials of Research Administration, Biosafety and Conflict of Interest.

Happy learning!
