2008 ORI Conference on Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Education, Instruction and Training


The Conference will be co-sponsored and hosted by Washington University in St. Louis , MO.  


Timing: convene 3:00 pm Friday, April 18, 2008; adjourn by 1:00 pm on Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sessions:  Plenary, Concurrent, and Poster

Presentation types

  • – Program description (15-20 minutes – overview of innovative RCR EIT programs)

  • – Assessment tools and techniques (15-20 minutes – description of RCR EIT assessment plans)

  • – Critical issues analysis (15-20 minutes – critical analysis of key RCR EIT issues or problems)

  • – Panel discussion (3 or 4 10-15 minute presentations organized around an RCR EIT topic)

  • – Poster presentation (program description or assessment, 4′ x 6′ poster or live demonstration)


Abstract Deadline:  October 15, 2007 (first deadline; late submissions will be accept until October 31)


FormatWORD  – download, fill in, save, and email tonsteneck@umich.edu

        PDF  – download, send information requested in email message tonsteneck@umich.edu


ORI is particularly interested in papers and presentations that will:

  • – present and/or discuss novel teach strategies,

  • – describe and assess across-the curriculum approaches to RCR EIT

  • – present strategies to assess RCR EIT, with particular attention to assessment of its impact on research behavior

  • – explore collaboration with NIH Training Grant and CTSA programs, NSF IGERT programs and research programs

  • – compare different approaches to RCR EIT, e.g. web vs. classroom vs. mentoring

For additional information, visit:



…or contact the Conference Co-chairs:

Nicholas Steneck, University of Michigan & Office of Research Integrity (nsteneck@umich.edu)

Catherine Striley, Washington University (strileyc@epi.wustl.edu)
