Certificate Training in Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)

This course is designed to inform you are the principles and practice of responsible conduct of research and it meet current United States guidelines for RCR training including a minimum of 8 hours of face to face contact

Duration:    2 days:  

Description: International researchers are often not aware of the standard and knowledge of RCR that is required of researchers in the U.S. The training will help participants to understand integrity, efficiency, reproducibility, and objectivity in implementing research projects. The course will provide participants with in-depth knowledge of core RCR topics including authorship, collaborative research, conflicts of interest, human subjects, peer review, data management, mentoring, plagiarism and research misconduct.


  • Pre-course completion of online RCR course hosted by CBR.
  • A minimum of 8 hours of face to face lectures, interaction, and review as required by the NIH for all researchers receiving U.S. Federal funds

Learning Objectives:

The training will teach participants about

  • Research integrity and the accepted professional standards and norms in the conduct of research

Suggested Audiences:

Researchers, Research Team Members, Health Research Ethics Committees’ members and administrative staff, Institutional/Signatory Officials, Institutional Research Integrity Officers (RIO), Nurses, Physicians, Faculty, Postdoctoral Researchers and Principal Investigators

Course content:

This includes Authorship, Collaborative Research, Conflicts of Interest and scientific objectivity, Data Management, Research collaboration, Mentoring, Publication and Peer Review, Plagiarism, Research Involving Human Subject, Research Misconduct and policies for handling misconduct, Using Animal Subjects in Research, Reproducibility of research results

How to apply:

Institutions interested in hosting an RCR course should contact the Program Officer (RCR Training) at the CBR by e-mailing rcr1@bioethicscenter.net

Additional RCR opportunities at CBR

  1. Let us help your institution set up its Research Integrity Office.
  2. Want more RCR training and cannot afford the time, consider our Blended Diploma in RCR.