H3Africa INDIGENE Study


On behalf of the H3Africa INDIGENE Study team, We are pleased to announce the launch of our online database of indigenous words, concepts and other expressions that can be used to communicate genomics and genomics research.


We started with a database of Yoruba genomics-related words and will be building up the database to include words from other Sub-Saharan African languages and their English translations.

We now invite you and other researchers to contribute to building up this database by signing up as a contributor, indicate the language that you will like to work on and follow the instructions for contributors on the website.

This online repository of indigenous genomics words in different Sub-Saharan African languages aims to be is a rich resource that enhances informed consent and facilitates the conduct of genomics research in Africa communities.

The H3Africa Indigene Project is part of the Human Heredity and Health Initiative of the United States’ National Institutes of Health and the United Kingdom’s Welcome Trust. It is supported by theNational Institutes of Health grant (U01HG007654). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.

Thank you.
