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Professor of Surgery
He has attended over 80 scientific conferences at home and abroad, given more than 100 presentations in scientific conferences and workshops, and 26 public health/awareness lectures in markets, religious centres and other public places.
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Temidayo O. Ogundiran, MBBS, MHSc, FWACS, FRCS, FACS
Professor of Surgery
Head, Division of Oncology
General Surgery (Oncology)
Academic Director, West African Bioethics Training Program,

Division of Oncology, Department of Surgery University College Hospital PMB 5116, Ibadan, Nigeria

Professor Temidayo Ogundiran pursued postgraduate training in surgery at the University College Hospital, Ibadan, and became a fellow of the West African College of Surgeons in October 1996, and of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in June 1999. He thereafter attended many workshops and training programs in oncology from many centres in the United States of America and Hong Kong. In 2003/2004, he was at the University of Toronto for a Master degree program in Bioethics.

He is involved in clinical, epidemiological and genetic research. He was a local PI in genetic epidemiology of breast cancer in Blacks research, a collaboration between University of Ibadan, Nigeria and University of Chicago USA for over twenty years. He also collaborated in cross-cultural study of informed consent in the US and Nigeria. He is the Academic Director of the West African Bioethics Program, a multi-faceted NIH-funded initiative that runs a MSc Bioethics program at the University of Ibadan and trains Ethics Committee members across West Africa, among others.

As a scholar and academic, he has contributed to 9 chapters in books and more than  100 scientific articles, scientific abstracts and proceedings in international peer reviewed journals. He has attended over 80 scientific conferences at home and abroad, given more than 100 presentations in scientific conferences and workshops, and 26 public health/awareness lectures in markets, religious centres and other public places. He has supervised research projects of 24 students at undergraduate, master and PhD levels and has contributed to the training of at least 10 full-fledged General Surgeons at fellowship level.

Professor Ogundiran has received many scholarships, grants and honours and has been a past or current member of many local and international academic and professional bodies and committees, including International Affairs Committee of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Emergency Care Ethics Working Group of Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health, USA, Multidisciplinary Cancer Management Course (MCMC) Working Group of ASCO, and UI/UCH Ibadan Human Research Ethics Committee. He is a past or current member of the Editorial Committee of many international journals. He also belongs to many academic and professional societies at home and abroad.

He was a World Health Organization/World Bank Visiting Professor of Surgery at the College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences (COMAHS), University of Sierra Leone, and the University of Sierra Leone Teaching Hospital Complex, Connaught Hospital, Freetown from June 2017 to December 2019.

International Research Ethics, Bioethics Education, Research Integrity; Breast Cancer, Soft Tissue Sarcoma, Clinical Oncology, Genetic Epidemiology of Cancer


  • Ogundiran TO, Malomo AO, Ezeome ER. Ethics of trauma care. In “Manual of    Emergency and Essential Surgical Care in sub-Saharan Africa”. Geneva: WHO; 2017 pp 173- 184. Licence CC BY-NC-SA. 3.0 IGO ISBN 978-929023390-9
  • Ogundiran T. Agulanna C. Malomo A. Capacity Building. In “Encyclopedia of Bioethics”. Publisher: Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 24 Sep 2015 (Editor: Henk ten Have) pp 1-9. (ISBN 978-3-319-05544-2 Online)  DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05544-2_70-1
  • Temidayo O. Ogundiran. Ethical Challenges and Conduct of Life Science Research in the Twentieth Century. In Biotechnology: Trends in Advancement of Life Science Research and Development in Nigeria (Oluyemi Akinloye, Ed) February 2011:240-244 (ISBN: 978-3-86955-619-2)

Peer reviewed articles

  • Osungbade KO, Ogundiran TO, Adebamowo CA. Research ethics education among graduate students of the University of Ibadan, Southwest Nigeria. British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research 2014;4(14): 2736-2749
  • Akintola SO, Callier SL, Ogundiran TO.  Personalizing medicine in Nigeria by tailoring the research process: points to consider for genomic research. Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine 2014;11(4):267-273
  • Adeleye O, Ogundiran TO. Knowledge of and training in research ethics in an African health research community. AJOB Primary Research 2013;4(2):44-50
  • Ogunrin OA, Ogundiran TO, Adebamowo C. Development and pilot testing of an online module for ethics education based on the Nigerian National Code for Health Research Ethics. BMC Med Ethics. 2013 Jan 2;14:1.
  • Ogundiran TO, Adebamowo CA. Surgeon-patient information disclosure practices in southwestern Nigeria. Med Princ Pract. 2012;21(3):238-43. Epub 2011 Nov 23
  • Ogundiran TO, Adebamowo CA. Surgeons opinions and practice    of informed consent in Nigeria. J Med Ethics. 2010 Dec;36(12):741-5
  • Ogundiran TO, Omotade OO. Bioethics in the medical curriculum in Africa Afr J Med Med Sci. 2009 Mar;38(1):87-92
  • Marshall PA, Adebamowo CA, Adeyemo AA, Ogundiran TO, Vekich M, Strenski T, Zhou J, Prewitt TE, Cooper RS, Rotimi CN. Voluntary participation and informed consent to international genetic research. Am J Public Health 2006;96:1989- 1995 
  • Ogundiran TO. Enhancing the African bioethics initiative. BMC Medical Education 2004, 4:21

Prizes and Awards (Abridged)

  • 1988   Alice Moboade Akinyele Memorial Prize in Medicine. An annual University of  Ibadan prize awarded to the best graduating student in the Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan
  • 1989   Best House Officer of the Year, University College Hospital, Ibadan
  • 2001   National Institute of Health (NIH)’s Medical Bioinformatics Grant: Visiting fellow, Department of Biometry and Epidemiology, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, USA
  • 2003   Fogarty International Center Scholarship for Master of Health Science (MHSc) degree in Bioethics at the University of Toronto, Canada
  • 2005   MacArthur Foundation Fellowship: Visiting scholar to Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 2006   American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)’s International Development and Educational Award (IDEA)
  • 2018   Co-winner, Nigerian Academy of Science Gold Medal Prize in Life Sciences
  • 2019   9th Victor Anomah Ngu Lecturer. A prestigious competitive bi-annual lectureship of the West African College of Surgeons. Delivered at the College’s 59th Annual Scientific Conference in Dakar, Senegal, in January 2019