Sexual harassment prevention
Sexual harassment can have lasting effects for individuals, organizations and the community, such as psychological trauma, a hostile work environment for employees, damaged reputations, negative publicity, civil liability and even criminal charges. This is why employers can’t take sexual harassment lightly, and employees should understand their roles and obligations if they experience or witness it on the job.
This course, made available online, is designed to provide a basic understanding of sexual harassment and strategies to maintain a harassment-free environment.
How to access the courses

Nigerian Cervical Cancer Screening ECHO Project
The Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) model was developed as a platform to deliver complex specialty medical care to underserved populations through an innovative educational model of team‐based interdisciplinary development. Using state‐of‐the‐art telehealth technology, best practice protocols, and case‐based learning, ECHO trains and supports primary care providers to develop knowledge and self‐efficacy on a variety of diseases. This model will be used to improve cervical cancer care delivery in Nigeria.

Cancer Registration
Cancer registration is critical to the formulation and realization of any national, state or local cancer control plan. We have assisted the Federal Ministry of Health in Nigeria to develop the National Cancer Control Plan (2018 – 2022) and generate incidence report through the data collected by the cancer registries in Nigeria.